Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bank Mandiri


Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bank - Apakah temen-teman pembaca semua Sudah bisa membuat surat lamaran kerja? Nah Kali ini akan saya Share Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bank dalam bahasa inggris bagi temen-teman pembaca semua yang ingin bekerja di Bank Mandiri.

Surat Lamaran Kerja di Bank Mandiri

Jakarta, October 19, 2020

HRD Manager
PT Bank Mandiri Tbk

I recently heard from your advertisement that there is vacancy in your company. I would like to apply for one of position in your company. I hereby inform you about myself:

Name : Yudi Nurmoko
Place & date of birth : Medan, March 28, 1986
Education : Scholar in Economic
Address : Jl. Mawar I 20 Medan
Phone, e-mail : 081325xxxxx,
Status : single

With my principal of honesty, carefulness, tenacity and working hard I convince that I could fulfill the requirement you request and become part of your successful team.

I enclosed here are:
Curriculum Vitae
Certificate of Scholar
TOEFL Certificate
Copy of other Certificates
Citizen Card
Recent Photo

I would be very grateful if you would give an opportunity to interview. I would like to tell you in detail about my competencies.

Your Faithfully,

Semoga Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bank dalam bahasa inggris ini bermanfaat bagi temen-teman pembaca semua and sukses selalu untuk anda dalam berkarir

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Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bank


Ini adalah contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bank BRI sebagai acuan untuk melamar pekerjaan di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, yang mungkin Surat Lamaran Kerja ini bisa di copy and di jadikan contoh untuk lamaran pekerjaan anda.

Surat Lamaran Kerja ke Bank BRI

12 April 2009
Malang, 5 April 2006
Perihal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Yth. Bapak/Ibu Kepala Bagian Personalia
PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk
PO BOX 009/sbs/60400

Dengan Hormat,
Berdasarkan informasi yang saya peroleh dari Koran Jawa Pos hari Minggu tanggal 2 April2006, PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk membuka lowongan untuk pegawai baru.Oleh karena itu saya mengajukan permohonan lamaran pekerjaan sebagai Pegawai di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk pada bagian FRONTLINER AND ADMINISTRATION.

Saya; MIRZA FAISHAL, laki-laki, umur 23 tahun, belum menikah, Pendidikan Terakhir D IIIAkuntansi Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan surat lamaran pekerjaan ini, saya lampirkan pula;
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
2. Fotokopi KTP
3. Foto berwarna 1 badan
4. Foto berwarna ukuran 4 X 6 (2 lembar)
5. Fotokopi Ijazah Terakhir Legalisir
6. Fotokopi Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
7. Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah
8. Surat Pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Jawa Timur bermaterai
9. Fotokopi Sertifikat
Short Course Operational Bank (Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah) Lab. Ekonomi dan Perbankan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
10. Fotokopi surat keterangan telah melakukan Praktek Kerja Nyata di PT. Indra Karya CabangI Malang.
11. Surat Keterangan Kerja sebagai Staf Administrasi dan Umum di Atlantic Computer Malang
12. Fotokopi Sertifikat Perpajakan A dan B Lab. Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi UniversitasBrawijaya Malang
13. Fotokopi Sertifikat Praktikum Komputer Lab. Akuntansi dan Komputasi Fakultas EkonomiUniversitas Brawijaya Malang

Demikian Surat Lamaran pekerjaan ini, besar harapan saya untuk bisa diterima menjadi pegawaidi lingkungan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Atas perhatian dan kebijaksanaanBapak/Ibu, saya sampaikan terima kasih.

Semoga Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja ke Bank BRI ini bermanfaat bagi teman-teman pembaca dan sukses untuk anda

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Surat Lamaran Kerja Staff Administrasi


Berikut ini adalah Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Staff Administrasi di bagian Accounting dalam bahasa english, yang dapat di gunakan sebagai acuan dalam membuat lamaran pekerjaan di suatu perusahaan.

Application letter Accounting Staff

Jakarta, March 27, 2009

Attention To:
Resources Manager
PT. Randu Garut Plastic
Jl. Kayu Lapis No. 43
Jakarta Pusat
Dear Mr. Agung Purnomo,

I wish to apply for the position of Accounting Staff that was advertised on Tempo, March 25, 2010 March 14, 2010.

I have over one year experience as an Accounting with PT. Rizky Finance and have experience of a wide variety of pattern techniques. My computer skills are very good, and I have an excellent record as a reliable, productive employee.

I am looking for new challenges and the posistion of Accounting Staff sounds the perfect opportunity. Your organisation has an enviable record innovation in investor financial cosultant, and an excellent reputation as an employer, making the position even more attractive.

I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at your convenience

Sincerely yours,

Semoga contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja ini bermanfaat dan salam sukse untuk anda


Surat Lamaran Cover Letter of Application Government


Surat Lamaran Kerja Government Cover Letter


305 16th Street NW
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 555-5555

March 22, 2008

Melba Crow
Congressional Research Service
Library of Congress

Dear Ms. Crow:

I am writing to apply for the summer internship program with the Congressional Research Service. I found out about the internship position on the CRS website. I would like to be considered for an internship in the International and European Security Issues program or the Foreign Policy and Defense Issues program. I feel that my knowledge of international affairs, my experience on Capitol Hill, and my interpersonal skills make me a strong candidate for any position.

I am a rising senior Political Science major and Spanish minor at the University of Virginia. My class schedules have included courses in international relations, American politics, and economics. I have worked at a Washington lobbying firm where my duties included attending Congressional hearings and writing concise reports on the proceedings, as well as interacting with Congressional staff and business leaders. My main interest lies in United States foreign policy, and I feel that my class schedule and employment experiences have helped me to become knowledgeable in these areas.

Upon graduating from the University of Virginia in May 2007, I am considering either a career in Foreign Service or American politics, and I believe that an internship at the Congressional Research Service will provide me a springboard for future work in the field. I should be considered for the summer internship position because I am experienced with government work, I have studied foreign affairs for three years, and my interpersonal skills and ability to learn quickly would be an asset to any employer.

I would be available for an internship position from May 2007 through August 2007. Please let me know if you require further information. Thank you for reviewing my resume.


Michael J. Thomas

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Government Cover Letter ini semoga bermanfaat


Surat Lamaran Kerja Business


Surat Lamaran Kerja Business letters form an important way of communicating in the business world. It is a formal letter and should be written in a formal style with a cordial tone.

Whatever be the reason of writing, keep your business letters short.  The saying ‘time is money’ is followed quite religiously in this sector.  It is best to address these letters to a particular person, which means a name should precede a job-title.  This adds a personal touch and will also ensure that you get the reader’s attention.

After a brief salutation, move directly to the purpose of your writing.  State the reason for writing in a simple, direct and effective manner without using any fancy language.  Do not use clichés and exaggerated statements, as your earnestness can be undermined in such circumstances.

Business letters must be divided into short paragraphs, which make for easy reading. You can repeat your purpose for writing in the closing paragraph.

While signing off, remember to mention your name and contact details and make sure to pen your signature if it is a hard copy. Surat Lamaran Kerja Business



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